PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY is a publicly traded corporation with limited liability whose securities can be traded in stock exchange to raise a capital from the general public. Public company is primarily if the shareholders/investors are large in number. The shares of a public limited company can be transferred with ease and suitable for raising a capital. There is much to gain by being a public limited company, however it comes with stringent compliances. At firststartup, we provide a quick registration that can be given with complete compliances in 10 days.
Note: - A Subsidiary company shall be deemed as a public company if it is not a subsidiary to a private company, even if it is a private company as per its articles.
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PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY is a publicly traded corporation with limited liability whose securities can be traded in stock exchange to raise a capital from the general public. Public company is primarily if the shareholders/investors are large in number. The shares of a public limited company can be transferred with ease and suitable for raising a capital. There is much to gain by being a public limited company, however it comes with stringent compliances. At firststartup, we provide a quick registration that can be given with complete compliances in 10 days.
Note: - A Subsidiary company shall be deemed as a public company if it is not a subsidiary to a private company, even if it is a private company as per its articles.
Reserve a unique name
Name should be valid as per Company Act, 2013. Approved name is valid for 20 days from the date of approval for a new company registration.
Apply for the DSC
Filing of SPICe form
Papers & forms submission to ROC along with MOA & AOA. Mandatory requirements should also be complied before submission.
Apply for PAN & TAN of the company
ROC will issue COI if the Forms are in order
Open a current bank account on the company name
PLC is required to maintain stringent compliances post registration; these compliances differ for listed PLC’s and unlisted PLC’s.
Our lawyers provide thorough assistance to draft a Consultancy Agreement for you.
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