PRIVATE LIMITED COMPANY is a most effective and common form of a privately held business entity having limited liability for its shareholders. It is governed by MCA (Ministry of Corporate Affairs) and regulated by the Companies Act. At firststartup, you can get your registration done within 3 days along with complete compliances.
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PRIVATE LIMITED COMPANY is a most effective and common form of a privately held business entity having limited liability for its shareholders. It is governed by MCA (Ministry of Corporate Affairs) and regulated by the Companies Act. At firststartup, you can get your registration done within 3 days along with complete compliances.
Apply for the DSC (Digital Signature)
Apply for Name Availability
4 different names should be provided out of which one will get selected by MCA
Filing of SPICe form
File e-MOA & e- AOA
Apply for PAN & TAN of the company
Open a current bank account on the company name
Filing of "Commencement of Business Form" on MCA
PLC is required to maintain stringent compliances post registration; these compliances differ for listed PLC's and unlisted PLC's.
Our lawyers provide thorough assistance to draft a Consultancy Agreement for you.
Get the document delivered within 3 working days. The process includes 2 free rounds of iteration.